Page name: Album: Weather [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-26 16:33:03
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<img:stuff/cd_bull1.gif> Album: Weather (Voting)
<img:stuff/cd_bull1.gif> Album: Weather (Full Song List)

Top 20 Weather Songs:
VOTING : Album: Weather (Voting)

Special Merit Songs:
029) Blame it on the weatherman 	- B-witched 			~ [shotokan_gal]
048) Grease Lightning 			- Grease 			~ [Estantia]

[BlackDragon]               (15 + ??) * 7  
[Estantia]                  (19 + ??) * 7  + 4
[abandonedhouse7 7]           (20 + ??) * 7  + 4
[Viking]                    (3  + ??) * 7
[Sebhar]                    (10 + ??) * 7
[shotokan_gal]              (3  + ??) * 7  + 4
[Lady of Lore]              (5  + ??) * 7

Songs That Were Missed:
Africa - Toto
Always the Sun - the Stranglers
Soak up the Sun - Sheryl Crow
Man in the Rain - Mike Oldfield
Candle in the Wind - Elton Jhon

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2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: hmmm... I shan't count morning. I'm gonna be kinda harsh only because there will be chances to use them in later albums..

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Not sure if rain in africa and rain in africa II should both be allowed...

2006-10-09 [BlackDragon]: meh, its storms.. storms are weather? =/

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Yeah.. But both? I don't know, i've never heard either...

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: By the way, i can still name at least 15 songs that haven't been put up yet ; )

2006-10-09 [BlackDragon]: Enya - album "Watermark"

2006-10-09 [BlackDragon]: I've mostly taken songs that I have on the computer.. not so many that is..

2006-10-09 [Estantia]: sorry about multiple edits, my conenction's going silly.

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: There's a new rule about no artist having more than 5 songs, don't forget..

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Currently thinking of bonus points for 29 and 48, pm me if you have any comments, either against or for another...

2006-10-09 [Estantia]: oh that's ok by me....

2006-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: aha ^_^

2006-10-09 [Estantia]: but then I write as I think, not search on google...

2006-10-09 [shotokan_gal]: I know the song grease lightning (sheesh even have the soundtrack) but wouldn't have thought of it for this. Nice one ^^

2006-10-09 [Estantia]: I was thinking of the worst jokes I could... hence all the songs everyone may be kicking themselves for not rmemebering...

2006-10-10 [Estantia]: wait, does a remake of the same song count twice or what?

and also I think follow the sun is in there twice by the beatles.

2006-10-10 [ArchangelGabriel]: A cover won't be counted no.. There are only two by the beatles and only one with follow, the other is here comes the sun...

2006-10-10 [Sebhar]: Red Rain by Peter Gabriel and Red Rain by the White Stripes are VERY drastically different... I like to laugh that they have the same name :S

2006-10-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: kk :P

2006-10-14 [BlackDragon]: Can ice be called as weather..?

2006-10-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: Only if it's frost..

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